Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Benjamin Johnston bjohnstn@391774.com 662-846-4720 Art
Maegan Johnston Tatum mtatum@391774.com 662-846-4355 Counselor Education & Psychology
Barbara Jones bjones@391774.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Elisha Jones emjones@391774.com 662-846-4707 Grants and Contracts Office
Je'Keila Jones Not Available 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Lakirria Jones ljones@391774.com 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
Mechelle Jones mdjones@391774.com 662-846-4046 Procurement
Christopher Jurgenson cjurgenson@391774.com 662-846-4480 Math and Sciences
Chloe Kane ckane@391774.com 662-846-4300 Women's Soccer
William Katembe jkatembe@391774.com 662-846-4249 Math and Sciences
Amber Kincaid akincaid@391774.com 662-846-4132 Foundation
Paula King pking@391774.com 662-846-4690 Counseling & Student Health Service
Shukira King sking@391774.com 662-846-4040 Registrar
James Kinnison mkinnisn@391774.com 662-846-4300 Athletic Director
Andrew Kirkland akirkland@391774.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Kelly Kirkland kkirkland@391774.com 662-846-4106 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Bryson Knight bjknight@391774.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Christina Knight clknight@391774.com 662-846-4150 Student Affairs
Jennifer Knudsen jknudsen@391774.com 662-846-4065 Social Science
Katherine Koehler kkoehler@391774.com 662-846-4700 Enrollment Management
Mary Koehler ckoehler@391774.com 662-846-4538 Field Experience
Carolyn Koerber okoerber@391774.com 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Justin Krueger jkrueger@391774.com 662-846-4173 Social Science
Trina Lacuata tlacuata@391774.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Chandler Ladner cladner@391774.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Kristen Land kland@391774.com 662-846-4898 Student Success Center
Karl Lange klange@391774.com 662-846-4300 Foundation
Nieasha Lewis ndlewis@391774.com 662-846-4335 Center for Community & Economic Dev
Terrence Liddell tliddell@391774.com 662-846-3064 Postal Services & Copy Center
Clinton Lindsey clindsey@391774.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Nikki Lipe nalipe@391774.com 662-846-4714 Enrollment Management
Richard Little ralittle@391774.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Charlotte Litton clitton@391774.com 662-846-4699 University Accounting
Kathleen Lott klott@391774.com 662-846-4368 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Harold Lovin elovin@391774.com 662-846-4153 Student Affairs
Philip Loyd ployd@391774.com 662-846-4280 Athletic Trainer
DeCarlous Lucas dlucas@391774.com 662-846-4740 Non-Bonded Residence Halls
Michelle Ly mgly@391774.com 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Rebekah Lyons rlyons@391774.com 662-846-8783 Student Affairs
Guizhen Ma gma@391774.com 662-846-4065 Social Science
Miller Maddox-Mandolini mmandolini@391774.com 662-846-4243 Math and Sciences
Janie Magee jmagee@391774.com 662-846-4111 Speech & Hearing Sciences
Eric Magner emagner@391774.com 662-846-4786 Student Affairs
William Mansell kmansell@391774.com 662-846-4566 Intramural Athletics
Andrea Marble amarble@391774.com 662-846-4240 Biological Sciences
Melissa Marshall mjoiner@391774.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Daniel Martin dmartin@391774.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Gloria Mason gmason@391774.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Suzette Matthews matthews@391774.com 662-846-4706 Foundation
Neetu Mayeux lmayeux@391774.com 662-846-4106 Center for Teaching & Learning
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